
14-09, Valdemanco, Spain.
Superlative Raga , and Lampkin clinches his 7th title!
Fujinami started again badly and lost 8 points in the first 2 sections. Lampkin controlled his rival easily. Adam Raga was in great form, and scored only 4 points in the fisrt loop on very difficult sections. His win was without any doubt! Cabestany from second place dropped to fifth, while Freixa, thanks to a great second loop climbed to the runner-up position!

14-09, Valdemanco, Spain.
Superlativo Raga , e Lampkin conquista il suo settimo titolo!
Fujinami partiva ancora male, perdendo 8 punti nelle prime 2 zone. Lampkin controllava il suo rivale facilmente. Adam Raga era in gran forma e segnava solo 4 punti al primo giro su zone veramente difficili. La vittoria era un affare solo suo. Cabestany dal secondo posto, scivolava al quinto, mentre Freixa, grazie ad un ottimo secondo giro, raggiungeva la piazza d'onore!

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Clich here for the final Junior

Adam Raga

Marc Freixa

Doug Lampkin

Takahisa Fujinami