
18-04, Gouveia, Portugal
Raga replies on wet terrain!
Just to contrast what we wrote yesterday, Raga showed to be in good shape even on terrain more slippery, as happened today (the photo has taken yesterday). He led from the beginning. Fujigas grasped the runner-up position ahead of Lampkin. Good performance of Fajardo, second at half competition.

18-04, Gouveia, Portugal
Raga replica sul bagnato!
.Quasi a smentire quanto detto ieri, Raga si dimostra vincente anche su terreni scivolosi, come quelli di oggi (la foto e' invece di ieri). Ha condotto dall'inizio. Fujinami si e' insediato al secondo posto, davanti a Lampkin. Buona prestazione di Fajardo, secondo a meta' gara.

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Clich here for the Junior standing
Click here for the Junior 125 results
Clich here for the Junior 125 standing

Adam Raga

Takahisa Fujinami

Doug Lampkin

Albert Cabestany