
04-09, Moutier, SWITZERLAND
Lampkin and Raga delay the Fuji's party!
Beating the most likely new World champion, Dougie and Adam ruined the Fuji's party or almost postponed it by 1 day. Fuji in third has now 19 points of advantage, so he has to arrive at least fifteen to-morrow! In fourth Bou is ahead of his teammate Cabestany! About the organization, click here!

04-09, Moutier, SWITZERLAND
Lampkin e Raga ritardano la festa di Fuji!
Battendo il molto probabile nuovo campione del mondo, Dougie e Adam hanno rovinato la festa di Fuji o almeno spostata di un giorno. Fuji, terzo, ha ora 19 punti di vantaggio, così ora gli basta arrivare 15° domani per vincere il titolo. Quarto Bou davati al suo compagno di squadra Cabestany! Sull'organizzazione, cliccate qui!

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Click here for the overall standing
Click here for the Junior results
Click here for the Junior standing
Click here for the Junior 125 results
Click here for the Junior 125 standing

Doug Lampkin

Adam Raga

Takahisa Fujinami

Toni Bou