
05-09, Moutier, SWITZERLAND
Lampkin wins and Fujinami clinches his first World title!!
On sections made more easy (9 modified) Lampkin kept high his concentration and finished the Championship winning. The seven time World champion passed his crown to Takahisa Fujinami, the five time second and now the new king! About the organization, click here!

05-09, Moutier, SWITZERLAND
Lampkin vince e Fujii si porta a casa il suo primo mondiale!
Su zone rese semplificate(9 modifiche) Lampkin ha mantenuto alta la sua concentrazione ed ha finito il campionato vincendo. Il sette volte campione del mondo passa lo scettro aTakahisa Fujinami, il 5 volte seconto ed ora il nuovo re! Sulll'organizzazione, cliccate qua!

clicca qui per le foto degli italiani

Click here for the results section by section
Click here for the overall standing
Click here for the Junior results
Click here for the Junior standing
Click here for the Junior 125 results
Click here for the Junior 125 standing

Doug Lampkin

Takahisa Fujinami

Adam Raga

Jeroni Fajardo