
05/06/10 - Twin Ring Motegi, Japan

Toni Bou is back to win in Fujinami's den, triumphant in the last world round. Nothing to do against the imposition of the FIM: the new rules are going on, it does not matter if riders, teams and factories do not appreciate them, the FIM power is too big. So in sections became shorter, obviously, trial sport has changed if in better or in worse, we do not want to repeat our opinion, anyway Toni Bou has soon shown to have well absorbed the changes. Today winning was built on the first loop, where he gained a discrete lead on all the others. Among them Fajardo was the best and finished in second place. Third step of podium for Raga, thanks to 2 cleans more than Fujinami.

Toni Bou ritorna al successo nella tana di Fujinami, trionfatore nell'ultima prova. Niente da fare contro le imposizioni della FIM: si va avanti con le nuove regole, che importa se piloti, team e Case non le vogliono, il potere della FIM e' troppo grande. Cosi' in zone diventate piu' corte, lo sport del trial e' cambiato, se in meglio o in peggio, non vogliamo ripeterci, comunque Toni Bou ha dato segni di aver meglio assorbito i cambiamenti. Maggiori dettagli su Motosprint in edicola martedi' prox. Clicca qui per vedere gli azzurri



Toni Bou
Jeroni Fajardo
Adam Raga
Takahisa Fujinami
Kenichi Kuroyama