11/07/10 - Saint Michel de Maurienne, France
Bou tops the French Alpine round !
The world champion is at his ease when Trial is hard, when he can show his precise riding on almost impossible obstacles. Now in this “new” trial, we dare to say, when he is able to ride so fast to finish the section within the 60 seconds.
Into the today’s section at Saint Michel de Maurienne, (few km after Frejus’ tunnel that links Italy with France), perfectly featured thinking to the previous one minute and half of time limit, we often watched everything but Trial.
Riders, without any style that tried only to reach the end of the section, within the time limit.
It was a pity, because there was a lot of public and probably if among them there was somebody new at this show, for sure he did not understand what happened!
Trials world is ridiculous: all people complaint about the new rules, speaking among themselves, but none has the courage to do something. So all are waiting and hoping that this matter will do by somebody else!
At least this time the FIM committee was wise in deciding to change the rule about the inspection into the section of the riders during the competition. It was allowed just for the first lap, because the day before there was a violent shower and the organizer had to modify several sections.
So some FIM’s men uses still the good sense! On the contrary, other ones prefers to control the Press, not giving the pass to journalists who dared writing something against the FIM and this is SCANDALOUS! In the future we will explain better.
In this eighth round we expected a rebound of Raga, always in good form on French terrain, on the contrary Spanish number two in the world found his black horse day, ended with a poor sixth final place. Now, a recovery on Bou, firmly leader with 27 points lead, with just three rounds left, seems almost impossible.
Also because Bou, even if not irresistible in the first lap, when scoring 29 points he led, but Fajardo (31 ) was very close behind and Fujinami (34), too, showed all his strength in the second lap, when he reduced to 13 mistakes his score.
Only Fujinami was able to stay quite close him and scored 18 mistakes. Moreover Fujinami had the bad joke of entering all the sections, having won the last round in Scotland. Both reached the two highest steps of the podium. Fujinami overtook Raga in the championship standing.
Fajardo dropped in third. Cabestany and Lampkin ahead of Raga means that when the race is very hard, the Gasgas rider has difficulty in riding very fast into the sections.
But is it necessary? Are we are still talking of Trial?
Ferrer and Sheppard triumphed in the other two classes.
The day before Laia Sanz won easily the first Women Championship round.
Bou si impone nella torrida prova alpina francese!
Il campione del mondo e’ particolarmente a suo agio quando il trial e’ duro, ovvero quando può sfoggiare la sua precisione di guida su ostacoli quasi impossibili. Ora nel “nuovo” trial oseremo dire, quando riesce ad essere così veloce da finire la zona nei fatidici 60 secondi!
Nelle sezioni di oggi, a Saint Michel de Maurienne, pochi km dopo il tunnel del Frejus, che sarebbero state perfette pensando al tempo limite precedente di un minuto e mezzo, spesso e volentieri si e’ assistito a tutto tranne che ad una gara di Trial.
Piloti che senza sfoggiare alcun stile si sono affrettati ad “uscire” dalla zona, giusto per stare nel tempo utile. Peccato, perché il pubblico e’ stato quello delle grandi occasioni, ma se tra loro vi fosse stato qualcuno nuovo allo spettacolo, ben poco avrà compreso.
Un mondo che all’unisono non condivide i cambiamenti, quello del Trial, ma dove ognuno accetta rassegnato, sperando che il primo passo lo faccia qualcun altro.
Almeno la Commissione FIM di questa gara ha dimostrato saggezza, quando in deroga alle nuove regole, visto il terribile temporale del giorno prima, che ha reso il terreno particolarmente viscido e la conseguente decisione di modificare diverse zone, ha concesso che i piloti ,al primo giro, potessero entrare in zona a piedi ad ispezionare il percorso.
Dunque certi uomini nella FIM usano ancora il buon senso. Altri invece preferiscono controllare “la stampa”, non concedendo i pass ai giornalisti che non sono d’accordo con la loro politica, e questo e' SCANDALOSO! Ma avremo modo di ritornare su questo argomento... continua su Motosprint in edicola martedi' prox. clicca qui per le foto degli azzurri