06/12/10-Lampkin signs three year contract with Gas Gas.
Fresh challenge for Dougie
Twelve times FIM Trial World Champion Dougie Lampkin has today confirmed that he will join Gas Gas in 2011, with the thirty-four year old having recently signed a three-year multi facet contract with the Spanish based manufacturer. Lampkin will continue to compete in the SPEA FIM Trial World Championship next season as well as contesting the FIM Indoor Enduro World Championship, selected extreme enduro competitions, plus other selected International trial and enduro events.
As well as continuing to compete at the highest level in both disciplines, Lampkin will also play an important role in helping Gas Gas develop both their trial and enduro products for racing activities and for end users. Whilst Dougie will maintain his quest for his one hundredth Trial Grand Prix win, he will also look to assist his younger team mate Adam Raga, as the 2010 vice FIM Trial World champion looks to return to the top of the rankings. Additionally Lampkin will take on the overall responsibility for all Trial activities, with him adopting the position as Trial Team Manager, but with a very hands on approach.
The three-year agreement between Lampkin and Gas Gas represents the start of a new era for the former FIM Trial World champion, with Dougie having never previously ridden for the Girona based company. Now under the control of Commercial Director Ramon Puente, the Spanish factory has a clear and strong strategy for the future both in terms of competition success and increasing their market share. Dougie is one of two high profile riders who will spearhead the new Gas Gas assault starting in 2011 and who may give rise to limited edition replica models in due course.
Lampkin will make his Gas Gas debut on Saturday 8th January 2011 at Sheffield arena, as Dougie continues his long-standing association with this indoor trial event, which remains one of his favourite occasions each season. Sheffield will also see Dougie begin his association with the major trial brand – Jitsie, with the Yorkshireman having agreed terms to wear both their riding apparel and helmet, and also to develop his own range of Jitsie casual clothing.
Speaking about his pending move, Lampkin commented. “Firstly I would like to thank Lapo Bianchi, my cousin John and everyone else at Beta for making my second stay both enjoyable and successful. It has not been an easy decision to leave the family, but the new challenge is just the motivation I need at this stage in my career.”
“This is an exciting opportunity for me and one I am delighted to embrace as Gas Gas have shown a real desire and passion for me to become a part of their team. I firmly believe I still have something to offer by riding the Trial World Championship, and as well as looking to win at least one more GP, I really think by still riding at the highest level it will help with the development process we have planned.” Dougie continued.
“The two stroke Gas Gas enduro models are amongst the best in their class, and I think this will really help me at the indoor and extreme events. Although I have had some good results to date in these type of competitions, I feel that I can improve my performances given the benefits offered by the weight and power of the Gas Gas enduro machine.”
Lampkin ended by saying. “I will be going all out to win my one hundredth Trial GP, the centenary edition of the Scottish Six Days Trial, the indoor enduro World championship, plus some extreme enduro events and as many other competitions as possible, whilst still attending to my other duties, so it is going to be a busy year all round.”
06/12/10-Lampkin firma per 3 anni con Gas Gas.
Nuova sfida per Dougie.
Il 12 volte iridato Dougie Lampkin ha confermato oggi di legarsi alla Gas Gas. Lampkin continuera' a correre nel mondiale di Trial, SPEA FIM , e nelle stesso tempo sara' impegnato nel mondiale Enduro FIM nelle gare di enduro estremo piu' altre gar Internazionali di Trial e di Enduro.
Lampkin oltre a competere ad alto livello in entrambe le discipline , sara' anche impiegato nello sviluppo sia nel trial che nell'enduro di parti speciali per le competizioni e per l'utente finale.
Nel Trial continuera' ad inseguire il suo traguardo personale di vincere il centesimo GP, ma vedra' soprattutto di assistere il suo giovane compagno di squadra Adam Raga, vice campione nel 2010,ed intenzionato a tornare al vertice.
Il contratto di 3 anni rappresenta per Dougie l'inizio di una nuova era, visto che mai in passato aveva corso per la Casa di Gerona. Il suo debutto sulla nuova moto e' previsto per l'indoor di Sheffield , sabato 8 gennaio.
Da uomo vincente come il mondo lo conosce, non poteva che concludere la sua breve intervista con:” Cercherò di portare a casa la mia centesima vittoria nel Trial mondiale, vincere la centesima edizione della Scottish, il mondiale indoor di enduro e altri eventi di enduro, come tutte le gare che potro’, insomma sara’ un altro anno zeppo di impegni!”.
Uno che non molla mai, quale altro pilota dato per favorito in una gara come la Scottish di quest’anno, trovandosi dopo il primo giorno in 65-esima posizione per problemi meccanici , non avrebbe deciso di ritirarsi? Lui no, giorno dopo giorno ha trovato la motivazione per vincere le singole giornate ed ha concluso all’ottavo posto finale!
(foto di archivio, stagione 2010).