28/08/11 - UEM Championship: Tanvald, CZE
Questioning the third final place in the Over 40 Championship.
At the prize-giving after the UEM round of Tanvald, it was also prized the whole UEM Championship. There was a difference from the official results produced by the organizers (that we published soon after the competition) and who was prized on rostrum.
French Philippe Bontemps and Dutch John Val Reelen had the same points (taking count of the 3 best results) according to the UEM Trial Rules TL 01.12.2: "…..Over 40 Cup - The points awarded to each rider from their highest 3 placed results." So it was necessary to read an other line, the UEM Trial Rules TL 01.14.2: "A tie at the end of the European Championship, Junior Cup or over 40 Cup will be decided by the majority of the best placings. If a tie still exists, it will be decided in the following order, by the better placing in the last, in the last but one, in the last but two events etc. until the view is resolved.".
What it is not very clear is if the "majority of the best placings" is just within the best 3 results or if we have to consider all the results. Anders Minken, UEM Trial chairman, told ud the former hipoteus, consequently the two riders are completely tied and watching the best place in the last round, Van Reelen got it.
Now we have corrected the results and what we can do is only to offer to the unlucky nice French rider, who was present at the whole championship, a batch of photos as consolation gift.
Precisazioni sulla classifica finale della categoria Over 40.
Nella cerimonia di premiazione dell'Europeo di Tanvald, sono stati anche premiati i vincitori del Campionato. C'e' stata una discordanza fra i risultati ufficiali che ci hanno consegnato gli organizzatori (ed abbiamo immediatamente pubblicato dopo la gara) e chi e' poi salito sul podio al terzo posto.
Il francese Philippe Bontemps e l'olandese John Val Reelen avevavo gli stessi punti (tenendo conto dei 3 migliori risultati) secondo quanto sancito dal Regolamento Trial TL 01.12.2: "…..Over 40 Cup - The points awarded to each rider from their highest 3 placed results." Cosi' e' stato necessario passare alla riga seguente del Regolamento Trial UEM: "A tie at the end of the European Championship, Junior Cup or over 40 Cup will be decided by the majority of the best placings. If a tie still exists, it will be decided in the following order, by the better placing in the last, in the last but one, in the last but two events etc. until the view is resolved.".
Quello che non e' perfettamente evidente e' se "la maggioranza di risultati migliori" si deve intendere tra i 3 migliori risultati scelti o si deve estendere considerando tutti i risultati.
Anders Minken, responsabile Trial nella UEM, ha scelto la prima ipotesi , per cui i due piloti sono completamente pari e guardando il migliore risultato alla gara piu' recente, in vantaggio c'e' Van Reelen.
Ora abbiamo corretto le classifiche e possiamo solo offrire al simpatico e sfortunato pilota francese, che ha preso parte a tutto il campionato, una sequenza di foto come premio di consolazione.