
14/05/11 - UEM Championship: Gefrees, GER

Very uncertain the fight for the top position in this second round, held at Gefrees, Germany, small town near the Czech border. Beta’s Jack Challoner clinched his second win in a row on Montesa’s Alfredo Gomez. Third Italian Matteo Grattarola, who was leading at half competition.
On the fifteen sections, almost featured in the forest, thanks to the good weather, very soon the best riders understood that any minimum mistake was impossible to recover. Grattarola started very well and gained a smooth advantage on Gomez at the end of the first loop. The twos were separated by just one point: 7 for the Italian, 8 for the Spanish. It was only third the previous winner Challoner.
In the second lap, Grattarola fived section 14, in his opinion for a too tight judgment, so threw away a possible victory, and was overtaken by Gomez and Challoner. Very close all threes. In total 19 points for the winner, 21 Gomez and 23 Grattarola. In the overall standings Challoner is leading ahead of Grattarola, then comes Gomez.
In the Junior class, due to the easy competition, there was more chances to other riders, different form the twos, who dominated the first round. This time, two French riders showed to keep high their concentration in both the loops. One of them was able to clean the whole second loop. We are talking of Sherco’s Cedric Tempier, He totalized 4 marks. Runner-up, Gas Gas Steven Coquelin scored 12. Great second lap’s score for Italian Beta’s Giacomo Saleri: only 2 mistakes. Thanks to this performance he reached the last step of the podium. Tempier is now leading the championship with 35 points. Sheppard, today in fourth, is second with 33 and Saleri, 32, in third.
In the Over 40 class, Italian Ossa’s Andrea Buschi won again ahead of Finnish Sherco’s Staffan Floessel. Third German Ossa’s John Val Veelen.
In the International class, no chance for any rivals of Dutch Marco Reit, a rider that 20 years ago rode in the world championship. He scored 14 points, against the 42 of runner-up German Stefan Giebenow. Third Austrian Richard Rosenstatter.
Next round in Spain, at Pobladura on the 18th of June.

Grattarola in testa fino alla penultima zona! Poi un cinque troppo severo lo fa rotolare al terzo posto. Seconda vittoria per Challoner, che rafforza la sua posizioni di leader in campionato. Bene Gomez, che scavalca il nostro Grattarola e si prende la seconda posizione.
Dominio francese nella Junior, con Saleri sul podio, grazie ad un ottimo recupero nel secondo giro. Ma la gara era troppo facile.Buschi si conferma il migliore nei "Over 40".
Clicca qui per le foto di tutti gli altri piloti azzurri!





Jack Challoner, Champ 1
Alfredo Gomez, Champ 2
Matteo Grattarola, Champ 3
Cedric Tempier, Junior 1
Steven Coquelin, Junior 2
Giacomo Saleri, Junior 3
Andrea Buschi, Over40 1
Staffan Floessel, Over40 2
John Van Veelen, Over40 3
Marco Reit, International 1