21/10/11 - Fast Trial in Piedmont
The name "Fast Trial" was often used to indicate something different of standard Trial. This time a club in Piedmont, the Valli del Canavese, invented a new Rule that takes count of the time spent into the sections combined with the Trial score.
The score was modified, too. In short, the rider earns 1 point for every second used to finish the section, plus 2 points for every foot down (counting also those more than three). He can move backward and stop as long as he want. In case of beaking the tapes or going through a wrong gate (colour different from his class), or crashing or killing the engine, he gets 60 points.
The experiment was succesful tested by some regional riders in a competition organized the 16th of October at San Colombano Belmonte, near Torino. There were 6 sections to be repeated 3 times.
Fast Trial in Piemonte
Un tentativo fatto dal moto club Valli del Canavese per conciliare il tempo di percorrenza del pilota in zona e le sue penalità. La gara sperimentale è stata organizzata il 16 ottobre scorso a San Colombano Belmonte, vicino a Torino. Sei zone da ripetersi tre volte. Qui sotto il regolamento completo e le classifiche. Entra nel forum del Moto Club Valli del Canavese, se vuoi esprimere la tua opinione. (vedi sotto)