21/11/10-SPEA FIM World X-Trial Champ.,Genova: Toni Bouuuuuu!.
Even in this new season the man to defeat is the former champion Repsol Montesa, Toni Bou, who claimed the victory in the first round of the world indoor, now called SPEA FIM X-Trial, where X stands for Extreme.
In the arena of the Palsport of Genova exhibition, for the first time in Italy two events were organized together. In the same night, the Enduro riders disputed their first Indoor World Championship round. Qualification phases of both disciplines were mixed assuring a continue high level show to the large public come. About 7000 spectators crowded the arena.
The sections were all natural and featured inside the Enduro circuit. Being too distant for watching well by the public, there was a big screen that let spectators follow the magic scene of our top world riders.
Toni Bou topped the podium thanks to be the only one to climb a high marble step, during the semi-final phase. He managed well this little advantage, even if a little mistake in the final phase gave courage to his rivals. Between those, Sherco Albert Cabestany was the best, mainly due to his good performances in the dual lane. Third Gas Gas Adam Raga.
Nine riders entered, as wild card Italian Franceso Iolitta.
We took the chance to meet two important figures of our sport: the new Director of the CTR in FIM, Dave Willoughby and the president of Trial commission in the UE, Anders Minken, so we asked them about the care questions on rules, relationship with journalists, etc.. In the next week the answers…
21/11/10-SPEA FIM World Indoor Trial Champ.,Genova: Toni Bouuuuuuuu!.
Sempre lui l’uomo da battere, il campione in carica Toni Bou su Repsol Montesa si e’ aggiudicato la prima prova del mondiale Indoor, ora battezzato SPEA FIM X-trial, con la X sinonimo di estremo.
Nell’arena del Palasport della Fiera di Genova , per la prima volta in Italia si sono organizzati insieme due gransi eventi. Nella stessa serata anche la prima gara del mondiale indoor di enduro. Fasi di qualificazione che si intrecciavano hanno assicurato al numeroso pubblico uno spettacolo di alto livello continuo. Circa 7000 sono stati gli spettatori. Le zone tutte naturali sono state inserite nel circuito dell’Enduro.
Martedi’ su Motosprint un ampio servizio sulla gara.
Nell’occasione abbiamo intervistato il nuovo Direttore della CTR in seno alla FIM, Dave Willoughby ed il presidente della Commissione Trial della UE, Anders Minken, per conoscere in quale modo si intendono risolvere le annose questioni dei regolamenti dei rapporti con i giornalisti sollevate l’anno passato. In settimana pubblicheremo le risposte.