07/07/11 - FIM press release
The FIM is delighted to announce the addition of the Grand Prix of France to the 2011 SPEA FIM Trial World Championship calendar. The two-day French round will take place on 3rd/ 4th September at Isola 2000 that also played host to the final event of the 2009 series, and which was the only other time this ski resort has ever held an FIM Trial GP.
The French Grand Prix has been added to the schedule to replace the Polish GP that was recently cancelled due to landslides in the region, caused by ongoing heavy rainfall in the area near to Myslenice. The final round in Poland was originally planned to take place on 4th September, and thus the French event has now been scheduled for the same weekend so as to cause minimum inconvenience for the teams, riders, other associated personnel and the calendars of the National Federations.
Speaking about the replacement event, CTR Director David Willoughby commented. "Obviously ever since we announced that the round in Poland had been cancelled, we have been working hard behind the scenes to replace this missing event in the calendar. We looked at various options, but the proposal from Isola 2000 offered the best solution. The fact they have previously organised an FIM Trial GP and that the event could be staged on the same weekend as Poland was originally scheduled for, made great sense for all parties."
"We would like to thank the Amical Motor Club de Grasse for stepping in at such short notice and for ensuring that the 2011 SPEA FIM Trial World Championship will get the finale that the series richly deserves." Ended Willoughby.
Isola 2000 is situated high in the mountains ninety kilometres north of the French city of Nice, and at an altitude of two thousand metres above sea level, as it's name suggests. In the winter the area is a busy ski resort, though by summer it offers some incredible Trial terrain with the highest sections being located another three hundred metres above the picturesque paddock setting. Back in 2009 Adam Raga – Gas Gas was the winner on the day, but his final round victory did not prevent Toni Bou – Repsol Montesa clinching what was then his third successive outdoor crown.
We found results and pictures of that time in our archives.
In sostituzione della prova in Polonia, cancellata per le gravi inondazioni che hanno sconvolto quella zona, si correra' 2 giorni in Francia ai 2000 metri della stazione sciistica di Isola 2000 il 3 e 4 settembre, a pochi km dal confine italiano. Gia' nel 2009, il mondiale si era chiuso nella medesima localita' ed i nostri piloti avevano potuto contare su un grande tifo dei fan piemontesi, accorsi in massa.
Aveva vinto Raga. Bou, solo quarto, campione del mondo per la terza volta.
Abbiamo cercato nei nostri archivi le foto ed i risultati di quella gara.