26/06/11 - SPEA FIM World Champ.: Santa Julia, AND
Montesa's Toni Bou dominated the very though trial of Andorra. Fujinami second on the field ahead of Raga.
But at the end Raga accused Fujinami to have changed the silencer pipe of his bike in the first loop. He was immediately disqualified and the podium was made with Raga second and Cebestany third. Few minutes after, Montesa asked a commissary to check the bike of Fuji and nothing of irregular came out. So the results changed again as what first exposed. Only at the end of the Jury meeting we had the official results.
True or not we have lived bad moment for our sport.. Moreover Fujinami and Raga had a row in the paddock. Their relationship is now terribly compromised.
Bou ha dominato un trial decisamente duro ad Andorra. Fujinami secondo sul campo e terzo Raga. Brutto finale con Raga che ha accusato Fujinami di aver sostituito il silenziatore della sua moto nel primo giro. Fiocca un'immediata squalifica e sul podio sale Raga secondo e Cabestany terzo. Poco dopo la Montesa chiede l'intervento di un commissario per controllare la moto di Fuji al paddock. Non viene rilevata alcuna irregolarita' e viene ripristinata la classifica del campo.
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