
20/08/11 - SPEA FIM World Champ.: Motegi, JAP

Bou replied to Raga, who beat him in the previous round by 1 point, winning by same gap.
Only 26 riders at the start (in the total 3 classes) of the poorest GP never seen until now. Evidently the recent assurances received by the FIM on how safe could be Motegi, 70 km distant ( air line) , from Fukushima nuclear central, deeply damaged by the tsunami of last spring, did not convince the majority of the Trial Circus.
As known, but not officially, Sherco’s and Beta’s factory would have not come and also other private teams as Miton Top Trial or Maglia Azzurra had already decided to stay home. Among the top riders, Cabestany and Dabill are those who paid more in term of points lost in the overall standing.
More united the front in the lowest categories. In the Junior class, all the riders fighting for the title did not participate, while in the Youth class, only the leader Sheppard accepted this risk.
This is what happened on the field. On sections soaked by overnight rain, Raga had the honour to ride as first . He had to deal with the two or three centimetres of mud that lined the hills. Despite this he led at half competition by one single mark on Toni.
Fujinami got off to a difficult start and played catch-up the rest of the day. He took a five by touching a flag in the marks-taking section three on lap one, then he took another second five when he failed to clear the first boulder in section four. By the end of the lap he was twelve marks down on the leader and fighting for third.
But after the entire field ravaged the hazards ahead of the second lap, the conditions worsened considerably. Raga's chances for victory were compromised early on lap two. In the first half of the fourth section he was brilliant, but he was foiled trying to clear a boulder in the section's second half, resulting in a five. That, and a one in the following section, were the marks he most regretted in his single mark defeat.
Fuji earned his fifth podium of the year by one mark when Fajardo took a five in the last hazard, the stadium section that ended the lap. Kuroyama was also in contention for the final podium spot until he took fives in the final two sections. Kuroyama was the first of the local Japanese riders.

Many thanks to Shizenyama.com and FIM for photos and news

Bou replica a Raga che lo aveva battuto per un solo punto nella gara precedente, pagandolo con la stessa moneta: vittoria con la stessa differenza.
Solo 26 piloti al via (totali di tutte e tre le classi) nel piu’ povero GP mai visto fino ad ora. Evidentemente le recenti assicurazioni ricevute dalla FIM su quanto sicuro possa essere Motegi, 70 km in linea d’aria dalla stazione nucleare di Fukushima, gravemente danneggiata dallo tsunami di questa primavera, non ha convinto la maggioranza del Trial Circus.
Non perdete Motosprint il prox martedi’ per sapere i piu’
Gianluca Tournour vince nella Junior, disertata da tutti i piloti Europei.
Tornate piu' tardi per altre foto.
Clicca qui per le foto dei piloti azzurri!

Si ringrazia Shineyama.com e la FIM per le notizie e le foto.





1. Toni Bou p. 31(15+16)
2. Adam Raga p.32(14+18)
3. Takahisa Fujinami p.64(26+38)
4. Jeroni Fajardo p.65(38+27)
5. Kenichi Kuroyama p. 73(39+34)
6. Loris Gubian p.93 (47+46)
7. Fumitaka Nozaki p.103(55+48)
8. Tomoyuki Ogawa p. 109(60+49)
9. Michael Brown p. 110(52+58)
10. Tsuyoshi Ogawa p.126(61+65)
11. Akira Shibata p. 135(67+68)
12. Masatoshi Okamura p. 148(75+73)
13. Masahiko Sunada p.148(75+73)
14. Akio Saito p. 148(75+73)
15. Tsubasa Matsuura p. 150(75+75)