31/07/11 - SPEA FIM World Champ.: Fort William, SCO
Gas Gas, Adam Raga, has broken the 5 win-series of the championship leader, Montesa, Toni Bou, beating him by just one single point in the slippery Scottish competition.
As expected sections were “more to ride”, stuck with the point to be at Fort William, from ever the heading place for the most famous classic in the world: the Scottish Six Days. Because the changeable weather, sometimes sunny, but mostly rainy, it was soon obvious that the main problem was the grip.
In the past minders and riders inside the sections, often made this work of clean rocks by the moss. As you know, now this is not possible any more, so who started first today, Toni Bou, has a big handicap. Just for a while in section 3 and in section 7, Toni was already up to the last deep stone, but suddenly his rear tyre lost grip and he fell behind, without any consequence. But sections were not only slippery, they were also very long. Bou compensated the two fives with a precise and superlative ride in section 6, not particularly difficult but too long to ride in 90 seconds. Raga, Cabestany and Fajardo did not arrive at the end on time!
Fujinami, on the contrary, used the strategy to wait until the moss from some rocks was taken away. Good strategy for making less point, but bad because he got points at the end of the first lap for the time. Fujinami’s score was the best: 18 marks, tied with Raga, who accused only 1 point of delay. Bou was just behind, scoring 21, ahead of Cabestany (25).
The revenge of Bou came in the second part. He reached and overtook Raga but some little mistakes, a couple of dabs in section 13 and 14, gave to Raga the chance to top the podium for the second time in this season. Fujinami, very tired, did not repeat the good first lap, but was able to keep the third step of the rostrum by a single point on Cabestany.
Bou is still leading the overall standing with 15 points lead on Raga. And now it is the turn of Motegi-Japan, where some riders won't go.
Raga rompe la serie di 5 vittorie di Bou e lo batte per un sol punto sulle viscide zone di Fort William, da sempre sede della famosa Sei Giorni.
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