05/05/19 - Grattarola beat Tournour in Varazze (GE), second Urban Trial!
Matteo Grattarola (Sembenini Nils Redmoto Montesa) had hard time in beating his main rival in Italian Indoor Championship, Gianluca Tournour (SPEA Gas Gas). This secpnd round was in Varazze, near Genova and again it was according the Urban Trial formula, that means sections outdoors in the middle of the small town. Due to strong wind, the competition was postponed by 2 hours
Six sections to be repeated twice. Grattarola and Tournour both cleaned the first lap, but only the former repeated his performance twice. Tournour failed one section in the second lap and yielded the leadership. Third Andrea Riva (TRRS). Present as guest British Toby Martyn (Beta) who finished in fifth
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Grattarola batte Tournour a Varazze (GE), secondo Urban Trial!
Matteo Grattarola (Sembenini Nils Redmoto Montesa) ha dovuto sudare sette camicie per avere ragione del suo rivale numero uno nell'Italiano Indoor,Gianluca Tournour (SPEA Gas Gas). Questa seconda prova si è corsa a Varazze, Genova, secondo la formula Urban Trial, cioè zone all'aperto e in mezzo alla cittadina. A causa del forte vento la gara è stata posticipata di due ore.
Sei zone da ripetersi due volte.G rattarola e Tournour hanno girato a zero alla prima tornata, ma solo il primo ha saputo ripetersi. Tournour è incappato in un 5 al secondo giro e ha dovuto cedere la leadership. Terzo Andrea Riva (TRRS). Presente come ospite l'inglese Toby Martyn (Beta) finito quinto
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