18/05/19 - Petrella won in Marradi (FI). Grattarola only third behind Tournour
Very close fight in this third round of Italian Indoor championship. In one point four riders: Luca Petrella (Beta) was tied with Gianluca Tournour (SPEA Gas Gas) but faster than him. Leader Matteo Grattarola (Sembenini Nils Redmoto Montesa) one point more, tied with Andrea Riva (TRRS). Grattarola was the best in the first stage, cleaning all the sections.
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Vince Petrella a Marradi (FI). Solo terzo Grattaola dietro Tournour
Grande battaglia in questa terza prova dell'Italiano Indoor. In un solo punto 4 piloti: Luca Petrella (Beta) alla pari con Gianluca Tournour (SPEA Gas Gas) ma pił veloce. Il leader Matteo Grattarola (Sembenini Nils Redmoto Montesa) un punto in pił, alla pari con Andrea Riva (TRRS). Grattarola era stato il migliore nella prima manche, girando a zero.
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