
25/06/20 - On MOTOSPRINT #25 Giovanni Tosco's story -

Giovanni Tosco (nickname Long John) celebrates 50 years of competitions, that means more than 1000's in which he rode. He is born in 1942 and he is still riding in regional comps right now. He won the first 2 Italian championships in 1975 and 1976.

photos courtesy of Giulio Mauri/Valenti Fontserč's archive


Su MOTOSPRINT n. 25 la storia di Giovanni Tosco

Giovanni Tosco (soprannominato Long John) festeggia 50 nni di gare, che significa aver corso in pių di mille. Classe 1942, corre ancora a livello regionale! Vinse i primi due campionati italiani nel 1975 e 1976.


When Trial was not known yet, here is riding a Beta 160 on a sort of mountain-climbing-race

Riding his first Trial bike: Montesa 247, in 1971

Two Italian titles won riding Ossa, in 1975 and 1976
Riding SWM Guanaco 320, he developed and tested for the factory

When official rider for SWM, in China, indoor in Pechino

Still with SWM in Africa, behind him the Mt. Kilimangiaro
