
29/01/21 - Fujigas still in the fight: ready to face his 26th world champion

Takahisa Fujinami can be named the "Valentino Rossi" in Trials, here are some shots from his world title, got in 2004 in Switzerland (Moutier) happy to have also priced with as much chocolate as his weigh. In Motosprint n. 4 a short story of his career. Here is the press release that announces his continue:

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Fujigas sempre sulla breccia: pronto ad affrontare il suo 26° anno di mondiale

Takahisa Fujinami lo possiamo cosiderare il Valentino nel Trials. Su Motosprint n. 4 in edicola questa settimana una breve storia della sua carriera. Qui alcuni scatti dell'anno in cui vinse il titolo, il 2004.


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Dougie Lampkin

Adam Raga
