22-04-03, John Hulme(collector of trials bike brochures), England A really superb informative trials book, one of the best I have ever seen, superb information and pictures, good effort! 22-01-03, Minoru Doro(Straight On), Japan I have received your Phototrial book. It is a splendid book! 17-01-03, Tom and Janis Note, USA I just recieved my "Phototrial
2002" yesterday, and it is so very beautiful! Thank you, thank
you for making it a book again, not a CD. 17-01-03, Horacio San Martino (Todotrial), Spain Just three days ago I receive your book, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, It is really great, I like it, the pictures are really good, and the book is an excellent historical document!!! CONGRATUL ATIONS!!!!! 15-01-03, Brian Behling, USA Thanks, I received the 2002 Phototrial book. Well done! ..... Take care and thanks for doing Phototrial in book form again! 14-01-03, Maarten Mager, Norway today the books arrived. I must congratulate to this outstandig work for the trialsport. Nice book with spledid photos and presentation, there has been made a big job and I only hope that many people will see it and appreciate. 14-01-03, Carlo Pasin, Italia ...il libro mi è arrivato pochi minuti fa, ed è molto bello !!! 11-01-03, Jean Caillou, France Thank you so much for the
wonderful book I have just received, it is really very nice. 10-01-03, Luca Barchielli, Italia Ho ricevuto il libro, l'
ho bevuto in un sorso solo , complimenti complimenti complimenti,
un gran bel lavoro. Non ho mai avuto dubbi! 06-01-03, Ian Johnston (ex Trials Action), Scotland, UK Book arrived this morning.........Magnificent!!! 25-12-02, Makoto Sugitani & Hiroshi Nishimaki (Shizenyama), Japan We get books !! Hiroshi went airport today. It's so fantastic ! That's good printing, nice photos!