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My name is Mario Candellone. I was born in Torino, Italy, on 23rd November 1958. Fond of Trials when I was child, I persisted in my passion which has changed my way of life. I live Trials! From an enthusiastic spectator, to a low skill rider, and finally to a photo-journalist I collaborated with the Italian magazine "Motocross" for many years, then I was Editor in Chief of the unlucky "Trial World" magazine. Nowadays I am collaborator for US magazines "Cycle News" and "Trials Competition", Japanese magazine "Shizeny Ama Tsushin". Since 1993 I have published eight books and three CD-roms, each of them concentrating on the World Championship, documenting it through colour photos. I lives in Torre Pellice, small town 50 km South-West from Torino, North-West of Italy. Obviously I still found the time to ride: the two pictures are from 2000 Scottish Six Days and from 2001 Verdon Five Days.

Agnese Andrione has become a professional photographer with the coming of the digital cameras. To tell you the truth, she started to collaborate badly , taking some pictures with an old Nikon 301, many years ago. We can not say that Trials is her life, but when she was asked to make some shots using an Olympus , she turned to enjoy her job. The great advantage of digital cameras of keeping the picture or deleting it at the moment, made her happy and changed her mind on Trials. Nowadays she is using a Nikon D70. I had to admit that at least 50% of the photos printed in the last three books were taken by her. Anyway to be able to serve three different magazines with high quality photos, I could not work without her help. She also used to ride a Gasgas 200, sometimes in the past!